$ffd|1-CYBER.CAFE REVIEW $226 BY DAVE ".COM.CO.UK//HTTP" DIAMOND $228 The internet is growing every day even though there is alot of crap on the net it will soon be found in every home in the world (well those who can afford it anyway). Meridian has made a tv programme that explores the word of cyberspace and have called it cyber.(dot) cafe,so lets have a look. The show could pass as a public access tv show (where the public make their own shows) as it`s just soooo cheap,the main presenter looks as if he has had too much coffe and the guests although some are interesting aren`t on very long and therefore you cant get the real potential out of the show. Talking of things not on for long enough are the various web and email sites for these people so you must have a pen and paper handy but even then they are just so long that it is impossible to write it all down in the few seconds it`s displayed. They have a tasty looking woman that looks like carol vordermans sister (if she has one) and that just involves looking for various bizzare things. The worst though is dan and jeremys best and worst of the web `96 in which they look at the best and the wost (obv!) these two try to be funnt but fail just like vic reeves,bob mortimore,and simon and trevor. They dont explain the cost of running the net at any time and generally the show is a big let down seeming as the net has got alot of press and media coverage and will continue to do so in the years to come. I will be going on-line soon so you can email me and I will email the makers of this show and hopefully will include this artcile, so see you then cyber chaps! $ff0 [If the program is crap then don't bother reviewing it as the reader will just click onto the next article anyway. A better program to review would be the Computer Channel on ASTRA or maybe BIG BYTE on RADIO 5 Sunday lunch times. If you do get email, don't opt for a HOTMAIL one. The bandwidth is crap, all the names are used up and you just can't send attachments! Steal a university one instead! 8) Kei] $228 end